Category Archives: Random

As the stock market tumbles.

What does this mean for me and you, well most immediately, the loss of paper wealth. There is much speculation about what this will cause in the long run. Say what you will, but I think our reliance on paper or computer supported wealth is the problem here.

Why do we think fried people look sexy?

I think it’s worth mentioning that during the Renaissance weightier people were found to be attractive it was a status symbol and anyone who watches a movie from the 50’s can see how smoking was once believed to be glamorous so I do think that the tan’s time is coming.

Three Air Conditioned Ways to Beat the Heat!

Okay, I for one am over this extreme heat thing.  I can’t even open my car door after work without double checking to make sure my eyebrows weren’t singed off from the fireball of heat that punches me in the face when I open the door.  Even going to the pool on a day off … Continue reading Three Air Conditioned Ways to Beat the Heat!

Show Me Your Tats

With the ever-evolving and growingly tolerant world that we live in, don’t you think it’s time for employers to wake up and smell the ink?