High School Reunions

4531 days ago.


I had the pleasure of attending my boyfriend’s 10 year high school reunion this past Thanksgiving weekend…and it reminded me how thankful I am that I didn’t attend my own! Oh please, don’t tell me that when you saw the title of this blog, your first thought was…Oh I love them!

Anyway, my 10 year high school reunion took place at a run down bar that was “cool” when I was in high school…10 years ago! The invites were sent by way of a couple of e-mails and some poorly shared Facebook links so my guess is that anyone who was not 7 degrees from the high school reunion planner, didn’t get an invite. And it consisted of pizza, cliques, and awkward moments. Umm…I think I’ll pass on rehashing the bad memories of high school thanks. (I should remind you I wasn’t there, I heard this from fellow reunion goers so it’s possible this wasn’t everyone’s opinion). However…

I attended my boyfriend’s high school reunion last weekend in Chicago. It was also at a bar. I’m not familiar with Chicago and I don’t know anything about this bar, but it was at least larger and cleaner than the one my reunion took place in and there was a buffet, but this reunion also included cliques and awkward moments. In fact, I was informed there was some mean girls style, high school back stabbing behavior involving the “planning committee” that organized the reunion. So much for growing up!

It reminded me of Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion where they felt they had to make up a pretend life  just to feel good about themselves at their reunion. I mean, shouldn’t these reunions be about growing up? Why do they even exist anymore? They are poorly planned, cheaply put on, and consist of two groups: those who don’t want to go in the first place (trust me I heard many people telling me about not wanting to be at the Chicago reunion) and those who enjoy going simply to get together in small groups and talk about others. Being 10 years older means I now have 10 years less of my life, so I certainly don’t have time to be wasting one night of it like that.

oh boy...

So after 2 real life expirements and a movie concluded with the same results, I’ve decided I’m right. It is time for the high school reunion to be laid to rest. Maybe once upon a time it was fun and classy, but those days are long gone and it’s time to lay it to rest right next to the acid washed, tight rolled jeans, buried deep where it will never come back again.

Am I wrong?

Brought to you by Mills Properties
Photo courtesy of romynmichele.tripod.com and facebook.com


Doesn’t know how to cook and survives pretty much on macaroni and cheese and pizza, so naturally, loves to eat out at restaurants. However, one day when she is married and has a family to cook for, she would love to take cooking classes and learn awesome skills like the chefs on Iron Chef America...as long as she doesn't have to clean the dishes afterwards.

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