Category Archives: Edwardsville

Charter isn't worried…..they should be

My gut feeling is that the model of getting your television from a provider where you pay for bulk programming is ending.

Burlesque School Showcase

They have graduated a new group of students and along with the teachers will be having a showcase this Saturday at Off Broadway.

My favorite apps right now

There are so many more apps to love these are all really basic ones that are useful or fun for most people. I admit I do have Angry Birds on my phone but I really wouldn’t rank it up with my favorites, it merely replaces boredom with frustration for me.

If we see you smoking we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action. ~Douglas Adams

When your head is pounding and your heart is racing. Knowing full well it is terrible for your lungs, yet feeling that the only way your lungs can feel right is to suck in the smoke of a cigarette.