Tag Archives: Mills Bloggers

MLK Day…a day of service

So often we think about service and volunteering our time around the holidays, or after a tragic event. Many times our thought of service is limited to assisting in a soup kitchen, giving a clothing donation, or picking up trash. Although these are very worthy acts of kindness, a recent article has now challenged my thoughts of effective service.

Do you vote?

I was looking at the news online and came across an article of some crazy stuff going on in Egypt. It is in moments like these, that I am reminded how grateful I am to live in a free country. Among all the complaints, are we doing our part? Do you vote, I mean really … Continue reading Do you vote?

Show Me Your Tats

With the ever-evolving and growingly tolerant world that we live in, don’t you think it’s time for employers to wake up and smell the ink?

3 Ways to be a Positive Person

1. Remember that people make mistakes-including you- so try not to be too hard on yourself and others. If you don’t like something that you are doing, change it. If it’s someone else, mention it kindly if necessary. Sometimes people don’t realize that what they are doing is annoying or wrong and they don’t mind … Continue reading 3 Ways to be a Positive Person