Tag Archives: Apartments in St. Louis

Peel off the hype!

Despite arriving to find an hour wait for a table I still insisted we stay, it was my birthday after all. The people leaving assured us that it was well worth the wait.

Spice Up Your Life

Or just your apartment… Adding on to trends that are becoming increasingly popular, we have furniture and wall decal art. I was introduced to this style of decor over 6 months ago and then recently re-introduced to this trend…only now they have it for furniture too! No more bland, white apartment walls, or standard wood furniture for … Continue reading Spice Up Your Life

Reduce. Reuse. Regift.

Hey, you might even be able to enter an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest! Just remember, if you win, you owe it all to Grandma.

What to do Christmas Weekend?

Grab your coat and scarf, and head to your nearest RedBox to find a great Christmas movie, and if you don’t have any popcorn, hot chocolate(with marshmallows), or candy, you may want to stop by the nearest store or convenience mart to pick some up, and RELAX and enjoy the tradition!