Category Archives: Pop Culture

Missouri students can no longer be "friends" with teachers

Effective August 28th things are changing for Missouri teachers.  A new law takes effect that prohibits teachers from having “exclusive access” to students on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Myspace.  It is up to each district to come up with a written policy further defining what this means. As I sat around the … Continue reading Missouri students can no longer be "friends" with teachers

Dirty Dancing Remake

They are remaking the classic movie – Dirty Dancing, and I would like to get my predictions for the new actors public right now.  I am horrified that the new cast will be a bunch of ‘High School Musical-types’ when we really need the Swayze Swagger and the Jennifer Grey naïve, sweet, and ready to burst out … Continue reading Dirty Dancing Remake

As the stock market tumbles.

What does this mean for me and you, well most immediately, the loss of paper wealth. There is much speculation about what this will cause in the long run. Say what you will, but I think our reliance on paper or computer supported wealth is the problem here.

Comic Books and Cool Nerdy Stuff in U City

If you are into superheroes or zombies, Marvel or DC, a gift for a child in your life or the child in your heart you MUST check this place out!!!!