My windows have no insulation.

4784 days ago.

Window 1

Ok, with all this winter weather I’ve been inspired to tell you my window insulation secret. If you have $25 and a couple of hours, you can save an average of $30ish per month. (Maybe more depending on your situation.)

St. Louis is a beautiful city with lots of old time charm where the apartments do not lack in the oldness category. My windows are about as useful as a sheet hanging over a hole in the wall.

That being said, I decided to put some extra insulation over them as to decrease the amount of money I give to Ameren UE each month. They make enough money without my extra crappy-insulated-window-dollars.

Now here’s the trick. You need to go shopping at a store that sells paint supplies and buy a roll of plastic. (I bought mine from Walmart for about $20.) You can use duct tape, nails or a combonation of the two for hanging.

I actually took my blinds all the way down before putting up the plastic. I measured the windows then cut the plastic a few of inches longer than the windows. When I hung the plastic up, I used duct tape at the very top of the window to hold it up like a curtain. (This is a great option if you don’t want to un-install your plastic during the good weather.)

Oh yeah, and make sure you double the plastic up before hanging. It works even better if you have two layers.

Window 2

The plastic kind of acts like an inner curtain to the blinds. I put some small nails near the top of the plastic to secure it a little better.

The next thing I need to do is put up my drapes to really insulate these babies! It’s on my to-do-list for 2011.

Did you do anything different to insulate your old windows?

Brought to you by Mills Properties.


Teresa likes a little spontaneity in life so she always has her passport up-to-date. She loves good food, has a sweet tooth and will try any happy hour once.

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