Helium Shortage May Be The End Of The Party Balloon

4367 days ago.

Helium is one those gases we take for granted on a daily basis. It is used in many things such as medical equipment, LCD screens, welding, NASA, blimps, and of course…the party balloon. What some people don’t realize is that the United States has used almost all of it’s reserve causing a major shortage of helium gas. A federal law in 1996 forcing the government to sell off the helium stock pile by 2015, is the reason we’re in short supply.

I personally use helium at work on a daily basis for marketing. We were recently told by our local distributor to use our helium carefully, because it could take up to three months to get our tank refilled. When you look at the big picture, balloons are not as important as medical equipment such as MRI machines. We can also expect to see a price increase due to supply and demand.

Good Morning America actually recently did a story on the Helium shortage.

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If the government doesn’t act soon, the typical party decoration could become non-existent, and cause major problems for other fields that depend on Helium.


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Ariene is a Texas-raised country girl turned St. Louis city girl that loves to knit, cook, bake, do crafts, anything Martha Stewart like, and addicted to Pinterest. She is also a proud mom that often pretends she has her own cooking show.

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