It’s All About The Merchandising

Melissa Jensen
4070 days ago.

Star Wars

Unless you are living under a rock you know that Disney has purchased Lucasfilm, and with that the rights to the Star Wars empire. Ok, actually I’m not sure if that is a common knowledge type of thing, or just seems common to someone who is the sole female in a house where Star Wars Trivial Pursuit is the preferred board game. (I’m normally the question asker).

3151379661_f5dbbdc259 The new Star Wars: Episode VII with Carrie Fisher to return as Princess Leia, is set to come out in 2015, which has many a fanboy holding his breath eagerly anticipating each new announcement. It has me thinking about all the toys…not in a collector way but thinking about all the random stuff that will have Star Wars plastered all over it. I mean seriously, this is the joining of two evil empires of mass consumerism. Don’t believe me? Think about the wide array of merchandise that has something Disney or Star Wars on it; it boggles the mind. This isn’t new; Disney has been doing it that way from the beginning. Check out the Mickey Mouse gas mask from 1942. The original Star Wars Trilogy revolutionized the way movie merchandising is done.  He took a modest salary for directing and kept the rights to the merchandising, making more money than most of us can imagine.

It makes me wonder, when it comes to fanboy flicks and children’s movies, what’s more important: making a quality movie that will hold up for generations or making toys that will fly off the shelves for kids who haven’t even seen the movie?

On a totally going against what I’m saying in the post, I really kind of like the Anakin Skywalker replica boots…I would totally wear these.





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Melissa Jensen

Melissa is a native of the Greater St. Louis region. She is addicted to anything Google, and cannot understand why motion activated paper towel dispensers never see her hands.

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