Real Life STL

2013 Year in Review

This year has been action packed in St. Louis and around the world. 2013 marked the year for exciting new beginnings with a royal baby and a refreshing new Catholic Pope. Inspiring things like Bat Kid and remembering the life of Nelson Mandela. Silly celebrity happenings (Miley), a surprising new Beyonce album, and a whole country asking what does the fox say. We also experienced terrible tragedy with the Boston Marathon bombing and amidst all the hate, we saw a city (and entire country) unite in the face of terror. From all the great things to terrible tragedy, 2013 has seen it all. As we reflect on the year that is nearly past, we look to the future with hope.

Here is the 2013 year in search from Google:

We have had such a fun year writing stories about St. Louis!  Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share our passion with you.  We look forward to another crazy year. Here are the 5 most popular Real Life STL stories from 2013.  Everything from float trips to crazy rednecks. Enjoy – again!

1. Fun Easter Ideas. You’ve gotta love Kool-Aid Easter eggs.

2. Best STL Float Trip Destinations. It’s a good time to start planning an excursion for 2014!

3. Food Truck Fridays. Food trucks have been all the rage in the last three years in St. Louis. We can’t wait until Spring to see them again in Tower Grove Park!

4. Best Patio’s in St. Louis. We all love patio eating and drinking and St. Louis has some of the best options.

5. Why You Should Watch Duck Dynasty. Way to put us in an awkward spot GQ!

What was your favorite memory from 2013? We can’t wait to see what 2014 will bring.


Brought to you by Mills Apartments