Real Life STL

The St. Louis History Museum…Just A Website For Now

Back in November, I wrote a post titled How About A St. Louis History Museum?. The idea stemmed from a visit to the Missouri History Museum when I was disappointed to find a lack of actual St. Louis History stuff there.

Since writing that post, I have been slacking in my progress with the idea. I did, however, buy the domains and I have made a lot of great purchases in my life, but these rank pretty high.

I have a vision of having lots of stories and pictures on this site, but for now, they redirect to a Tumblr site where I post daily (well, almost daily) on significant or noteworthy events that have happened in St. Louis history.

I decided to recount some of the coolest things I have found during that project here:

So far, this is just a little side project, but who knows what it could become. I am enjoying doing it and since I bought the domains, that’s really all that matters. If you too enjoy random bits of St. Louis trivia, check out


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