Real Life STL

Lisa’s Reading And Listening Corner

I love books. I love stories that take me to faraway places, that make me laugh, that let me relax.  I’m a fan of mysteries and thrillers, odd characters and strange situations, and I don’t mind a touch of the supernatural here and there.  I love British humor, cookbooks, technology, and anything a little off-kilter.  I still buy physical books here and there, but have mostly switched to electronic books to save space.  Kindle is on nearly every device I own and it’s rare if the Audible app on my phone isn’t open.

Today I’m starting Second Chance, book 3 in the Chronicles of St. Mary’s series.  This is a British time-travel series full of adventure, history, and hilarity.  The main character is a delightful mess, and the series just seems to be getting better as I go.

Earlier I was listening to a BBC production of Revolting People, starring Andy Hamilton and Jay Tarses.  Not as good as his Old Harry’s Game series, but still a fun ride.
I finished The Obsidian Chamber the other night, the latest in the Agent Pendergast series.  Jon Land of the Providence Journal had this to say: “Rivetingly superb … great fun … thriller-writing of the highest order. A lavish, brilliantly conceived puzzle that pieces together neo-gothic plotting with splendidly rich tones.” Yep.  What he said.

I also recently finished Undeath & Taxes.  This is the follow-up to the best-selling title The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, The Vampire Accountant.  You read that correctly – vampires and accountants in one book.  And, it’s actually pretty good.  Funny and quirky.  It works.

Maybe you’ll find something to sink your fangs into.  Happy reading!

Do you have something you think I would enjoy? Let me know in the comments. Too many good books to read? What’s that mean?

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