Real Life STL

You Should Be Listening To The Presidential Podcast

Lillian Cunningham Of The Washington Post Hosts The Excellent Presidential Podcast You Should Be Listening To

Presidential, a podcast from The Washington Post, takes a look at a different President of the United States  each week leading up to the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

Do you find yourself listening to the same songs over and over again in the car? There’s a great alternative to those annoying morning radio show hosts. Podcasts have really hit the mainstream in the past several years, but it can sometimes be hard to figure out just what you should be listening too. Here at RealLifeSTL, we’ll try to help you by suggesting a different podcast each week for your listening pleasure.

You should be listening to the Presidential podcast from The Washington Post. photo credit: The Washington Post

Flipping through a magazine the other day, I came across an interesting nugget on a podcast from The Washington Post. While the first episode was released back in January, I had never heard of Presidential. Boy, have I been missing out. Each week, host Lillian Cunningham focuses on a different President of the United States. Starting with George Washington back in January, Cunningham has done a 29 to 59-minute episode on the well-known Presidents like Abraham Lincoln to lesser-known Presidents like William Henry Harrison.

Cunningham has guests on each week to discuss whatever POTUS is the subject that week. Those guests have ranged from Pulitzer Prize winners like David McCullough and Bob Woodward to presidential experts from the Library of Congress to her co-workers at the Post.

I’ve only managed to make it up to the Abraham Lincoln episode thus far, but I’ve definitely learned a lot. Did you know that George Washington didn’t think he was qualified to be president? Or that perhaps our least educated president is responsible for the library in the White House? Did you know that multiple people, including early presidents were poisoned by the water in the White House?

The current election circus with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have you a little more interested in the while process? Get started now listening to the Presidential podcast from The Washington Post.

 You can follow Presidential on Twitter.  Also, check them out on Instagram for some awesome photos of Presidents throughout the years. Check out the Presidential podcast website for new episodes each Sunday or to test your presidential history knowledge or vote for your favorite President.

Need a place to listen to awesome podcasts like this? Head over to Listen to podcasts from the website or download the Apple or Android app to listen on the go.

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