Real Life STL

2014: A Year of Acceptance?

As we near the end of the year and we’ve finished shopping and wrapping the presents, there’s a lot of reflection on the previous months and what has transpired. 2014 has seen a lot of heartache and challenging times but there has also been a positive message especially toward women that has seemed to garner attention.

2014 welcomed a new artist, Meghan Trainor, to the pop scene with a song that’s certainly overplayed, but brings to light in a very playful way, the fact that all women don’t fit the Hollywood airbrushed version of perfection and yet are still acceptable.


Moreover, a cover of the song is even more inclusive. Check it out…


Another popular artist, Colbie Caillat, refused any photoshop with her new song, “Try” in which she encourages women to stop trying so hard to be accepted and simply accept themselves for who and what they are.


Taylor Swift is “Shaking Off” the haters and has been reported saying that she’s happy being single and won’t be kissing anyone on New Year’s Eve.

Disney’s Frozen, though released in 2013, became a super hit in 2014 as one of the first princess movies that isn’t about winning the heart of the prince.

Keira Knightley went topless  and refused to allow any breast enhancement, un-apologetically showing off her nearly flat chest. (NSFW )

In marketing we’ve seen Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty and the aerie Real campaign.

The Mrs, an all female band, took their “I’m Enough” mirror on a tour through Texas, seeking to change the inner voice of women and celebrating their worth.


Of course, this only names a few, but could 2014 be the catalyst for change? Look out photo editors, women might actually be starting to accept themselves for who they are! Gasp!

Weigh in, do you think we’re trending toward change or is this small sample not enough?