Real Life STL

Save A Dollar, Hug A Tree!

Photo Credit I Rick’s Paint & Body
Saving money has become a new national sport. Practically everywhere you look there is a new ad, coupon, sale, discount, or money saving scheme staring you down. Retailers are marking up prices so they can put items on “sale”. Newscasters are “breaking” stories about how to call large companies and complain your way into a discount. Consumers are working harder than ever to find ways to stay within their budgets. And entire reality TV shows aka: guilty pleasures, are being dedicated to the “couponing” craze. We have created a world where saving a dollar has become both a necessity and a top priority.

As if consumers weren’t stressed enough about their budgets, there is now a new trend toward “going green.” There is no arguing that we live on a planet in need of some TLC; our ever increasing population is straining our natural resources. That same population, already strapped for time and cash, is now encouraged to be sustainable, buy organic, and shop smarter. This is a great idea in theory, until you realize just how much more expensive and time consuming going green can be. It’s exhausting! Is there a way to save time, money and the planet all at the same time??

Growing up on a farm in a small town, we didn’t have many other options than saving money and being as sustainable as possible. However, city living provides its own unique challenges to the time/money/planet debacle. So, as a transplanted country girl, here are my top tips for saving time and the planet – on a budget!

1) Make your own laundry detergent – I know, this sounds like a HUGE messy project, but if done right, it can save you a TON of money. Get a group of like minded friends together and share the work. My sister and I use the following 5-gallon recipe (not going to lie, I usually just play with her four little ones while she does all the work) and we share the goods. I used to spend $12-15 on laundry detergent every two months; that’s a meal out with friends or a movie ticket! And I’m only one person! Think how much you could save on detergent for a family of four? And to top it all off, there are no fragrances or dyes in the detergent, so not only is it better for the planet, but it’s better for you and your clothes. All of the ingredients can be found in the laundry aisle of your favorite store. Google a recipe for a smaller batch or try the one below. Trust me, you’ll be hooked!

Homemade Detergent – The BIG Batch
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
¼ cup liquid Castile Soap
5 gallon bucket

Put soap in saucepan and cover with water. Heat on low until heated and thinner. Fill bucket with hot water and add soap. Stir to combine. Add soda and borax, mix well. As it cools it will thicken. If mixture becomes too thick, add hot water to thin to desired consistency. You can use it immediately. Mix well before each use. Use ½ (normal) to 1 cup (heavy) per load.

2) Think big – Buying things in bulk not only reduces the amount of packaging that ends up in landfills, but it is also cheaper than shopping smaller. Again, utilize your friends & family and go in on a membership to Sam’s or Costco together. Not a fan of bulk stores? No problem! Try buying a whole chicken or pork loin, rather than pre-packaged chicken breasts or pork chops, on your next trip to the supermarket. It’s a small change, and it may take a little more effort to cut up the whole product and freeze what you can’t use right away, but you will notice a huge difference in your pocketbook, and a tree may just hug you back.

3) Plan, Plan, PLAN – Set aside one day a week to prep for the week to come. My day is Sunday. Sunday is my shopping day. Taking one afternoon to shop, wash fruits & veggies, pack lunches in advance, plan dinners, and generally just prepare for the week ahead saves a ton of time later! BONUS: it keeps me out of the drive-thru when I run short on time, which saves me lots of $$ and a ton of calories. Can’t commit to a single day EVERY week? No problem! Plan your weeks in advance. If you know something important is going to get in the way of your prep day pick a different day that week, or prep two weeks in advance the week before your scheduled hiccup. Your calendar is not your enemy; make it your friend.

4) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – First, take care of your stuff! Zip the zippers on your pants before you wash them so they don’t snag on other clothes, store shoes in shoe boxes, use a table cloth or scarf on furniture tops to protect them from dings and water damage. When stuff does finally get worn out: get creative and re-purpose it! To this day my mother still uses sour cream containers for leftovers, meat trays for paint trays, shipping boxes for storage boxes, and a million other things for a million other things. Got an old photo frame? Instead of throwing it out, repaint it, string some ribbon or a chain from an old necklace across the back, and hang. Voila! You now have a chic, vintage, and unique earring holder! Not creative? No problem! Pinterest is the go to website for re-purposing ANYTHING! Can’t reuse it? Recycle it! If it can’t be recycled, consider donating it. Someone else may be able to find a purpose for it and keep it out of a landfill.

Long story short, regardless of your crazy schedule, take an extra minute to think about how your spending habits effect both your pocketbook AND the planet…they may both thank you for it!

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