Real Life STL

Barkin’ for the Blues

As you all should know by now, I’m an avid supporter of Stray Rescue efforts and this Friday, April 19th, when the St. Louis Blues take on the Dallas Stars (Booo!), there is a great benefit to help those efforts. And it also includes Blues players, so it’s really a win-win event for everyone!

Blues defenseman Barret Jackman started a program to help the efforts of Stray Rescue of St. Louis called Barret’s Buddies. In this program, several dogs are selected as Barret’s Buddies of the Month to help find these loving animals a loving family.

In addition to Barrett, Blues player David Backes has joined forces with Five Acres Animal Shelter and started a program called David’s Dogs. His wife Kelly launched Kelly’s Kats as part of the program in December 2010. Every month David selects 3 dogs to be David’s Dogs of the Month in an effort to provide loving homes to homeless animals.

Barkin’ for the Blues is a benefit that joins all of these forces: Five Acres Animal Shelter and their David’s Dogs program and Stray Rescue of St. Louis and their Barret’s Buddies program, to help neglected and abused animals in need of loving homes.
What can you do to help?

Purchase your tickets to the April 19th game through one of the following offers:

Purchase for Stray Rescue: Click the link and purchase your tickets in the next 3 days using the code promocode “BARKINSTRAY”.


Purchase for Five Acres Animal Shelter: Click the link and purchase your tickets in the next 3 days using the code “BARKIN5ACRES”.

When you order from either of the links above (or go to the Barkin’ for the Blues site to order), a portion of your ticket purchase will be donated to the specified shelter you selected. You can also contact Tim Thurber at 314-613-1885 to order by phone.

Oh, you already bought your tickets for the game that day? Well here’s another way you can help:

There will also be a special adoption area set up on the concourse on the day of the game in Section 122 to give fans the chance to meet dogs available for adoption from these two shelters.  In that section there will also be fun Blues light-up beads available for purchase starting at $3 if you want to donate that way instead. All proceeds will benefit Stray Rescue of St. Louis and Five Acres Animal Shelter.

In addition to monetary donations and pet adopters, outgoing, crowd gathering volunteers are needed to help sell the beads at the door. If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to



Brought to you by Mills Properties

Photo credit: apamo &