Real Life STL

Spring Break in St. Louis

When I think Spring Break, I think of fun sunny days in Florida with friends having a much needed relaxing break from school. But what happens when your Spring break is in St. Louis with blistering cold snowy days? What crazy weather we have here in the Lou! My kids will be on Spring break this week and I am going to have to be very creative with activities to fill their week. Unfortunately shipping them off to Florida is not an option! Here are a few of my favorites  for all those spring breakers in the next couple of weeks. Click on the links for more information.


An interactive museum that encompasses over 600,000 sq. ft of fun for the whole family. Enjoy your surroundings in the architectural marvel that houses fun activities like Circus Harmony, World Aquarium, the Skateless Park and much much more…


Enjoy a complimentary tour of America’s favorite brewery. You’ll get a chance to view the beer making process from brewing to packaging! And if you want to make a day of it, start a brewery hop and visit all of the great breweries in St. Louis. Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood also gives a great tour.


A fast paced game combining hockey, basketball and polo in bumper cars!


St. Louis’ largest family fun center! Enjoy mini golf, laser tag, rock climbing dodge ball, obstacle courses, arcades and an indoor playground!

These are just a few of the many fun activities you can find here in the Lou while on Spring Break. But whatever you decide to do, stay warm and make it a fun time for you and the whole family!


Brought to you by Mills Properties Inc.

Photos courtesy of Explore St Louis