Real Life STL

Is It Really Pinteresting?

The New Year always brings about a discussion of resolutions-weight loss, personal improvement, education, being kinder, yada yada yada, blah, blah blah. I hate the darn things. No one ever keeps them. To heck with them if you can’t keep them! Only make ones you can keep! So what was mine? Actually do something with the stuff I have pinned or “liked” on Pinterest!

You see, I have an obsession that I will share with you. I am addicted to recipes and food. My mom was a home economics teacher for 40 years, so I come by it honestly. She would clip every recipe she found in any magazine or newspaper she could find. She had drawers full of them. This is my way of following in her footsteps, I guess. I can sit for hours looking over recipes on any website, pinning away to Pinterest. Its an obsession. It’s food porn.

I started a few weeks ago and have had mixed results. The highlights?  This Crusty bread with Asiago cheese added.  AMAZING! Others- Butterfinger Blondies, Lunchlady peanut butter bars and Brownies made in a waffle iron-really. Those waffle iron brownies are awesome when it’s 98 degrees outside and you need a chocolate fix!  Ok, so you noticed.  I have a thing for peanut butter and chocolate.  Sue me.

What recipes have you found on Pinterest that have rocked your culinary world?

Brought to you by Mills Properties

All photos courtesy of the blogs and recipe creators listed