Real Life STL

College Bound: University Rules 201

University Rules 201!

Face it.  With all the lovely freedom sometimes come opportunities for drama, bad decisions, and possible repercussions for those decisions.  Every college or university has a set of rules, regulations, and a code of conduct.  Most of the time, it’s common sense.  Most of the time, it’s a version of  be a good neighbor, don’t cheat, and be quiet at night.  If the university has single gendered residence halls or is a religiously based university, there may be additional rules of conduct related to lifestyle choices.

What happens when you/your student breaks the rules?


Whether it is a noise violation, an alcohol violation, or any other manner of craziness, take responsibility and deal with the consequences.  That is the sign of maturity and part of what you are there to learn about.  Don’t underestimate the Housing Staff.  Directors and Judicial Officers only got their positions by breaking at least five of the big rules when they were in college.  They know how you do it and why.  The difference between you and them is that the Directors and Judicial Officers probably did not get caught-at least I didn’t!


This is another opportunity for growth for your student.  This is not the time to swoop in and “save” your student.  If their ability to live at or attend the university is in jeopardy, call so that you can be apprised of the process your student will go through and so you can coach him/her.  If it is anything less than that, find out where that information is located and let your student know so he/she can read it.

Parent and Student

Confidentiality is a big thing.  Housing Staff members cannot tell parents whether the student is showing up for class, who she/he is dating, or talk with parents about much of anything without a waiver signed.  When you are attending orientation sessions, find out how to get the form and get the signatures on them!! Find out who/where the form goes at the university once it is signed and make sure you keep a copy!  There’s nothing worse than a parent needing information because they think something is wrong and the university staff not being able to communicate.

Stay tuned next week for: Mental health issues


Stamp photo from and nun photo from
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