Real Life STL

Coffee Joulies

Hi, I’m Mike and I am a coffee-holic. Mine was a learned behavior that started back in 1994. I was fresh out of college and trying to find my way in the world. And, while that trip has never ended I did manage to land a job in the real estate business. I went to work selling residential real estate for Re/Max where the average working age was just under needing to have retired ten years ago. My biggest contribution to the bottom line was skewing the age range as to make our office a bit more youthful. It was awesome and it was where I consumed my first cup of coffee unawesomeness.

Are you kidding me? 

I recall thinking that the smell off Folgers Coffee was over the top. I could not wait to get my first sip of this liquid gold. As you can imagine, I nearly spit the sip of patent leather dirt monster back into the cup. It was awful. It was a travesty of Greek proportion. Nasty. Disgusting. And, all other applicable adjectives. It took me back to that dreadful night at my buddies house where I knocked back and quickly gave back my first beer. I think I lead with a machismo, “this is really good stuff.” And, ended with, “god, I promise – never again – just take away the pain.”

Acquired Taste

Fast forward and of course I am happy to report that coffee and great craft beer are things that I really enjoy. Beer in moderation and coffee in excess and yes I consider myself a snob. I would not dream of tossing back a cup of Folgers, Maxwell House, Budweiser or Coors and I know the difference between and Arabica and Robusta bean. My favorite roasters are Starbucks followed very closely by illy and Caribou. And, up to now I have always been frustrated that I can not keep a good cup hot enough long enough to enjoy it to the end.

Coffee Joulies

I ran across these little gems a couple of weeks ago and I was instantly sold. Sold for two reasons – Dave and Dave are two guys just trying to change their little piece of the world. And, their product is genius. I can only do justice to their story by letting them tell it – vid

To sum it up – they are worthy.

Click on our amazon affiliate link above to try them out yourself!
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