Real Life STL

Where The Buffalo Roam…

I am a meatasaur, carnivore, meat-eater extraordinaire.  I like it, I love it, I want more of it.  If you are a vegetarian, just stop reading this now and go to a different page.  This blog is not for you.

I grew up on a farm where we raised piggies and cows and sent them to the processing plant to be butchered.  They came home in white butcher paper stamped with GROUND BEEF, T-BONE STEAK, or PORK ROAST.  I thought the stuff available in the store was just in case you ran out.  I didn’t realize that all people didn’t get their meat out of one of two huge deep freezers in the basement.

One of the things that we didn’t eat was bison.  That is a new love of mine (and my Joe!) and we are scouring the STL area for good eats, buffalo style.  Did you know that stuff is 98% fat free?  It’s better for you than chicken and more tasty too!  We’ve had d. Dooley’s in Fenton, Trainwreck, and the Culpepper’s bison burger.   We have also found it at Soulard Market and Sappingtons Farmer’s Market.  My favorite dishes so far are of course Schlafly Bottlework’s bison nachos and meatloaf.

Is anyone else a bison aficionado?  Does anyone else have a Good Eats, bison style they want to share?  Please help!  I am roaming the plains in search….sigh.


Brought to you by the carnivores at Mills Apartments!

(The carnivorous lifestyle is neither condoned nor condemned by and we embrace the vegetarians amongst us with open arms and a big bowl of broccoli!)