Real Life STL

Oh Jimmy John, why have you forsaken me?

January 17th was my 6 month anniversary of giving up Jimmy John’s….

There was a day when I would order Jimmy John’s 2-3 times per week for lunch (which was better than my second choice of hot dogs from the 7-Eleven across the street or a bag of Cheez Its and a Mountain Dew) and sometimes grab it on the way home for dinner as well since I passed by at least 2 locations on my way home from work (it’s no surprise I’m not a cook).  I loved Jimmy John’s delicious sandwiches, the #8 and their delicious vegetarian sandwich were staples in my diet.

But alas, those days are over.

Why you ask? Because Mr Jimmy John Liautaud himself, kills beautiful, exotic animals, some listed as threatened or vulnerable, just for sport and I can no longer give him my money. After hearing of those atrocities, I was disgusted and a statement that truly stood out to me was “Some argue that big game hunting finances greater conservation efforts, and when properly managed, can lead to an increase in the population of threatened species. A few people certainly are spending big bucks to kill them. Of course, you could also drop a quarter of a million to simply save them, but that’s less fun.”

My belief is that everyone has something they strongly believe in. And it may not be what they do for their career and they may not protest it on the street. There are many different avenues to support your cause. I do my share in regards to supporting animals because it’s something I strongly believe in, and I’m taking a stance on this one for all the hunted,  threatened and endangered animals of the world.

I feel my case is similar to vegetarians who don’t eat meat because they feel animals are killed inhumanely. I get it.  And I support them for their committments. I know there are some that once loved meat: the taste, the smell, the juiciness (sorry I got sidetracked), but they’ve committed to a valuable cause and I commend them. I was once  peer pressured into eating a JJ’s sandwich since I gave it up and I was ashamed. It tasted filthy, dirty and wrong. And while it’s tough when I’m hungry and tired of eating Hot Pockets and Panera, it’s actually pretty easy after viewing the photo below.

In addition, Jimmy John’s has been in the news with stories of inhumane treatment of their employees. Now I know that Jimmy John’s is a chain and the owners of the franchises are to be held responsible for not allowing their workers sick days and causing the outbreak of food borne illnesses due to forcing them to work while they were ill.  However, has anyone heard from Jimmy John about how he will work to make sure his employees are treated fairly in the future, has he mentioned sick pay or benefits, has he taken any action to change the current policy that disciplines workers for calling in sick without finding a replacement first? No, he’s been too worried about his 2% tax increase stating: “I could absorb this and adapt, but it doesn’t feel good in my soul to make it happen.” Soul you say, Jimmy John?

The idea that my once loved sandwich shop is owned by someone who has no respect for animals or people has forced me to take a stand, and maybe it doesn’t keep you from calling Jimmy John’s for lunch tomorrow…but maybe it does.  In a professional, courteous manner, I’d love to hear your thoughts.


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Also, another article discussing Jimmy John’s disgusting love for what is known as canned hunting.