Real Life STL

I Fall Into A Funk Every Winter

Tired, unmotivated, and moody?  Gray skies and the constant need to scrape frost from your windshield (although we’ve been lucky so far) are enough to bring anyone down.  If you struggle to find joy in the things that normally make you happy, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that usually occurs during the colder months.  Some people believe that the reduced amount of sunlight may cause a drop in serotonin, the brain chemical that you makes you feel happy.  I have personally made a couple of lifestyle changes to counteract SAD.  I started exercising; I let more light in my house by opening blinds that are normally kept closed; I’m keeping busy by cleaning out my basement, etc.  De-stress yourself this winter and before you know it, the much awaited spring weather will be here, along with more sunlight!

Brought to you by Mills Properties