Real Life STL

Everyone's Doing It!

The way I see it, everyone can’t be in all places at all times…and you could really walk right by someone on the street and not know how perfect they are for you, but you can’t go introducing yourself to every person on the street either. Why you ask?

1. There’s not enough free time in the day.

2. People will more than likely think you’re crazy.

So in my opinion, it’s tough in this day and age to find that special someone. Especially for people who have 8am-5pm careers and only have time to make it out 2 nights a week…on a good week…and they’d like to spend that time catching up with friends and family also. So unless you meet someone at work (which can be risky and/or prohibited depending on your company’s policies), or randomly bump into them in the grocery store (highly unlikely), that leaves very little time to find that special someone. I can attest to this as most of my friends are married and when I was a single woman I spent many weekends barbecuing at my married friends’ houses or going out with a large group of them, making it difficult to search alone for single men.

I feel there is some sort of negativity towards dating websites and singles social clubs. Like we don’t all use the internet for everything else these days, but it’s not accepted to use it for dating??

One reason I hear there is hesitance is because you might get some weird or bad dates. And sure, it’s possible you’ll have some bad dates, but that could happen with the guy you run into in the grocery store too or the co-worker who you only ever talked to about work and then you decide to go on that date and it ends up being wretched. Or how about the guy your friend sets you up with and you trust her opinion and then he turns out to not be your type at all to the point where you’re like what was she thinking? That’s really a bad reason to not use them.

I’ve also noticed that people tend to feel self conscience and embarrassed about using them and when those around them who haven’t used them make condescending remarks, the effects can be damaging. So I say it’s time to put all that to rest.

Below is a video of real people, not actors in a commercial (Yes I know they say they’re real people but I’m just not sure…) who I know personally and they use or have used online dating websites…some had amazing luck finding their match through a dating website and some did not or have not…yet. However, the point is that these diverse, intelligent, brave people took the risk. They’re the types of real people you can find on,, PlentyofFish, OkCupid and more, and they’re the reason why people need to get out there and explore their options. It’s a new day ( I stole that from Sister Act) and this is where people are, and I for one, think it’s fantastic!

What are your reasons for not using internet dating websites to find love? Or if you have found it through one of these sites, are you brave enough to share an encouraging story?


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