Real Life STL

"The X Factor"

Really.  Am I being punked?

Have you seen the previews?  Unbelieveable.

So, first they mock American Idol…Funny.  But then, super awesome (dripping with sarcasm), it’s the same thing.  Please tell me why we need ten shows designed to ‘discover’ the next singing star.  I thought starting “The Voice” was nuts, but this is ludicrous.  I am really sick of it in the same way that Jessica is frustrated with Google.  Please, gods of television, if you are going to create a new show like all the others, pretty please do something different, exciting, or how about this…something that is not a show like all the others.  Not only did he copy his last show, his panel of judges is a carbon copy – he even brought Paula (whom I generally like) back.

I thought Simon Cowell was above this.  Is he just trying to stretch his one idea for
as long as the public will allow the abuse?  Or will his ego not let him fade from the lime light?  The only things more overplayed are crime shows.  How about we just get it over
with and have a Singing Crime-fighting Show in every big city across the country.  Even a small twist like old one-hit-wonders come back to be rediscovered would at least intrigue me!  If either of those happen, you read it first here.

I will stop my rant here because this show does not even deserve to be written about.

Guess we’ll see in September.  Live and let die.