Real Life STL

Comic Books and Cool Nerdy Stuff in U City

I love ZOMBIES!!!  Nearly anything zombie and my newest obsession is The Walking Dead comic books…ahem, I mean graphic novels…..whatever, I love them.  The TV show got me intrigued and a visit to the coolest comic book store I have ever entered got me to buy them and my step son got me excited to read them.  WAAAAAYYY better than the TV show!!

What comic book store you ask?  Why, it’s Star Clipper in University City.  Click on the website, you know you want to.  It is clean, it is not dingy, it does not smell funny.  The staff is cool and not the stereotypical acne covered overweight nerd that you have stuck in your mind from too many bad impressions on TV of a comic book store.

They of course have comic books, new ones, old ones, rare ones.  They also have some funky art in the back of the store, awesomely odd toys, a fantastic funky T-shirt collection.  Best of all, at least to me, is the quarter machine selection (alas, nothing costs just one quarter).

If you are into superheroes or zombies, Marvel or DC, a gift for a child in your life or the child in your heart you MUST check this place out!!!!


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Brought to you by: Mills Properties