Real Life STL

Magic Tricks, Movie Reviews, Tech Stuff-Check out Revision3

We’ve discussed the rise of Internet based television a couple of times on the blog so I thought I would point everyone in the direction of one of my favorite sites.  Revision3 is a collection of web shows, each one is short and most are entertaining to the right audience.

Some of my favorite Revision3 shows:

Scam School:  Host Brian Brushwood is an award winning magician who shows you really cool tricks to play on your friends or out at a bar.  I was introduced to this one when Nate showed me a card trick on our first date.  He said he learned it to prepare for lots of awkward moments dating for the first time in years.

Fim State:  The best movie review show I have seen, we stumbled across this one.  Hosted by Ryan Connolly, once in awhile I disagree with his assessments of movies (I happen to like M. Night Shyamalan) but usually he is dead on and funny.  The clip art that they find is just hilarious, I never seem to be able to find such amazing clip art.

Epic Meal Time:  Honestly, this one is just gross.  These guys assemble and eat the most disgusting foods I’ve ever seen.  Fast Food lasagna, wow, but the kids love it.  The watch mouths gaping open.

The Ben Heck Show:  This guy is a hacker and he does mods to video game systems and nearly anything else you could think of.  Want a laptop X-box? He’s your guy.  I admit sometimes it is so technical I yawn but my husband watches with passion.

AppJudgment:  As you may know I love phone Apps.  There are so many, this show lets you know what’s new and what’s worth it, but you can always keep checking back here and I will help you out.  This show may be a bit more well rounded than me and they are much much more knowledgeable.

I didn’t even mention unboxing porn or FilmRiot two of my other favorite shows.  Just check them all out when you have the time, or pass them on to your favorite geek.

Brought to you by: Mills Properties