Real Life STL

All Is Not Fair

Sorry, I just don’t think every kid deserves a prize!  I recently overheard a conversation between two mothers.  One complained her son wasn’t allowed on a field trip reserved “unfairly” for high achievers.  She admitted her son had made little effort to earn his spot, but in her eyes it was unreasonable to reward some kids and not others.  The second mother was upset because her son received a failing grade for repeatedly falling asleep in the class.  “It’s not fair”, she said, “he turned in most of his homework”.

So let me see if I’ve got this right:  Kids who don’t try should get the same benefits as those who do?  Are we so obsessed with fairness that we raise our children to believe everyone should be treated the same, regardless of their effort or skill?  I don’t believe it works this way in the “real world”, once they grow up and have to go to work on their own.

Ultimately, we are not simply raising children…we are raising adults.  And if we want them to become functioning members of society, they need to learn how to win and how to lose.  They need to be able to take criticism, cope with arbitrary decisions and handle setbacks.  They need to see that people who work hard to achieve, will be rewarded more than those who don’t.

That’s called real life.  And it is fair.

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