Real Life STL

Typewriters 10% Off

Since our corporate office moved, I have been super excited to explore the new area of St. Louis we are emerged in.  While driving in my car on the way home looking at all the super fabulous little shops and restaurants in Maplewood, I noticed a typewriter store.  I looked like a complete tourist on a different planet because I deemed it completely necessary to take a photo as evidence that this really existed (I was at a red light).   

So many things are wrong with this photo.  Here is my short list.

  1. Who on earth still sells typewriters??? 
  2. If selling typewriters, do we really need options like electric or manual
  3. Is the 10% thing working??  I was thinking to myself, would FREE even entice me.
  4. Is there a market out there still purchasing typewriters?  (Maybe there are a ton of antique typewriter collectors)

I began to wonder… (I like to sound like Carrie from Sex and the City)

How can this business owner survive.

Is it possible that there are enough people in St. Louis using typewriters to warrant a store.

Do we sometimes get so involved in how good we are at our business or how happy we are in life (or work) now that we forget that everything is constantly changing and so should we.  I think Baby Boomers are experiencing this now…

What is your business or are you personally doing to avoid ‘selling typewriters for 10% off’?

Brought to you by Mills Properties