Real Life STL

Accent wall gone wrong.

Those who know me know that I am slightly prone to getting overly excited about really random stuff.  I once wrote a sonnet dedicated to the carpet vendor who brought me in cherry tootsie rolls…..seriously.  I lived in apartments for so long staring at white or whitish colored walls that I nearly jumped out of my skin when at my last apartment I was told that I could paint an accent all if I wanted to.  I went immediately to the local Home Depot and bought a gallon of the first color that caught my fancy and a pre packed paint supply kit.  I ended up with an oddly colored green wall that scuffed up and in spots seemed to extend into portions of the ceiling.

If you are one of the lucky ones that has been given permission to paint in your apartment I’d like to offer some tips that have come from lessons learned.

  1. Choose your wall wisely.  If you are only painting one wall make the most of it, paint one that will accent a cool architectural aspect of your apartment (that bay window) or paint a wall that extends between two living spaces (that wall that is part of the living room and the dining room).
  2. Be choosy with your color.  Take a look at what you own. What are your favorite pieces?  What could you accent? If you don’t have a color in mind take a look at your favorite painting or look through art books, which colors are your eyes drawn to.  Keep in mind the color of your other walls and make sure it compliments them since they will be staying the same.  You are living in an apartment, keep in mind that you will most likely have to paint back over it before your move out.  Is it really worth the primer and two coats to get that rich red totally covered back up?
  3. You cannot clean flat paint.  I like to recommend satin paint for most rooms, for kitchens and bathrooms gloss is a good idea becuase it can be easily cleaned.
  4. Prepare your space.  Patience is not my strong suit so this is where I usually mess up.  Move furniture, put down drop clothes, use painter’s tape.  Always cut the walls in first, paint all edges with a brush or edger and then paint the rest of your wall.  Don’t rely to heavily on the painter’s tape, it can bleed through, trust me.
  5. Enjoy your wall. 

Hopefully these tips will help you to avoid a costly mistake, for more painting tips check out these tips from Sherwin Williams.

Happy Painting!!

Brought to you by Mills Properties