Real Life STL


At my age trying to stay fit, slim and healthy is a challenge and time-consuming.  But when my 7-year old grandson, Malakai, told me back in October that I had STUFFED hands (his definition of ‘fat’) like his teacher, I decided it was time for a change. 

I purchased a book written by Dr. Frank Lipman  called “Revive”.  Fatigue, unexplained back and joint pain, distractibility, irritability, insomnia, and digestive problems had left me feeling SPENT and STUFFED.  Dr. Lipman’s book is taking me through a 6-week journey of revival by changing my eating habits, food choices and eliminating stress.  It’s one of the simplest life style changing books I’ve ever read. 

Dr. Lipman has a smoothie every morning.  Smoothies are an easy way to get in the protein and good fats needed to jump start your day and easy on the digestive system.  He has some great recipes in his book.  I’ve made a couple of adjustments to suit my taste (such as; I use Skim Milk instead of Almond Milk), but they are still healthy and fun to drink. 

This book is changing my life.  I’m beginning to feel normal instead of STUFFED.  Take some much needed “me time” and read this book.  You’ll enjoy re-inventing your breakfast and your life.

Brought to you by Mills Properties.