Real Life STL

My New Years Resolution…is to KEEP my New Years Resolution!

A New Years resolution is defined as a commitment that an individual makes to a project or reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. This year my New Years resolution is to keep the resolution that I commit too. Every year as most of us do, I start my year with positive energy and excitement about a fresh start, a new attitude, a new beginning to improve on the things that I didn’t quite achieve the previous year. But somewhere between New Years day and January 30th, that renewed mind, excitement, and positive energy has dissipated into the black hole of disappointment and despair.

So…how do you keep the momentum of positive energy and commitment to purpose throughout the year to achieve your goals? I’m glad you asked! Here are some tips to make 2011 your best year ever!

Tip #1. KEEP IT REAL!- Dont set unrealistic goals that you know will take close to a miracle to achieve! Set goals that are stepping stones to your ultimate goal.

Tip#2. BREAK IT DOWN!- Set goals for yourself and break those goals down into 2-3 month intervals. This will give you the ability to track your progress more efficiently and readjust your plan to continue whats working and change whats not working.

Tip#3. GET OFF THE FLOOR!- When you fall…get back up! (Side note: YOU WILL FALL AT TIMES) The difference between those that are successful and those that are not, is that successful people don’t quit! 

Tip#4.- SPREAD THE WORD!- Tell as many people as you can about your resolution. These people should be ones you trust to help make you accountable. They may send reminders to you by email or text, or a simple phone call to help you stay on track. Always have a circle of friends who want to see you succeed!

Tip#5.– “SHOW ME THE MONEY”!- Reward yourself! Every couple of weeks to a month, give yourself a reward for a job well done. Treat yourself to a mini shopping spree, a favorite restaurant, or a day at the spa!

What’s your New Years resolution? And what will you do different this year to achieve your goals?