Real Life STL

Boo For Resolutions…

So I am not one for New Year’s Resolutions but hey, at least I’m honest about it.

For those who do participate in this tradition and have made a resolution to exercise more or maybe just start exercising in general(which of course, is one of the most common resolutions)this year, you will most likely either:

 1. Find it impossible to work out in a gym being that the rest of the population has also made this same resolution and the gyms are so packed that you will never get a machine.


2. You will not join a gym because you hate them(like me), you are not a morning person and refuse to wake up at 6am to get all sweaty and then have to go to work or school all day(hmmm…also me), or are so exhausted after you get off of work or school that you can’t possibly imagine having to make another stop before you get to head home for the night(thank goodness I don’t do resolutions, it sounds like I’d be doomed from the start).

So it sounds like you need a better idea: And it’s called….video games!

How awesome right? Both Wii and XBox have come out with dancing and exercising video games that are controller free. So you’re hands free and use whole body movements to participate. Wii has Dance, Dance Revolution and Just Dance, and XBox just came out with Kinect, and the ultimate game: Michael Jackson The Experience

Not gonna lie, if I were a New Year’s Resolution partipator, you can bet I would be buying one of these games and rocking out in my apartment, using my roommate’s Wii to dance my ass off and get sweaty in my own apartment with no one watching while listening to awesome music. I can’t think of a better way to exercise. Fortunately for me, I’m not…but for those of you who are….it’s the first weekend of the New Year, and if you haven’t already signed up for that new gym membership, you may want to run out to the nearest Best Buy or GameStop and pick up some “exercise equipment”(aka video games), and get your groove on this weekend. It’s too soon to give up!

Watch This Video to see what I’m talking about:

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