Real Life STL

Cross-Eyed Elephant

This weekend, I suggest a day trip to a simpler time.  A quaint town never bothered by the loud and proud chain stores and restaurants.  A place with cobblestone streets and friendly business owners ready to help you find the perfect gift.  A life-size nativity scene and thousands of lights, remind you of your childhood at Christmas.  A day away from the usual Starbucks and Target, and in exchange, an ice cream soda and hot dog with all the fixins at Dr. Jazz Soda Fountain & Grille and shopping at the Cross-Eyed Elephant!  Oh what marvelous and unique gifts you could wow your family with this year! 

Where can you find this antiquated bliss?  Why, Lebanon Illinois of course!  Just a hop, skip, and a jump from Edwardsville or St. Louis (or a short car ride)!

Check out all the unique shopping and dining on Main Street and get away, if only for a day…

Photo Courtesy of Dr. Jazz Soda Fountain & Grille!