Run For Your Lives!

4290 days ago.

Maybe you’ve heard all the radio commercials about this…I heard them on 107.7, or maybe you’re one of those Zombie Apocalypse believers so you’ve been preparing for this since it was first announced or maybe you’re just hearing about it now. Regardless of how you heard about it, what’s important is whether or not you’re attending the Run For Your Lives Zombie Infested 5K Obstacle Race on Saturday, August 18th in Wright City, MO (1 hour West of St. Louis).

This has got to be one of the Top 5 events that St. Louis will host this year. I for one, love haunted houses. They scare the S*&% out of me but I love them! And this is better than a haunted house!

Think about this: Your adrenaline is pumping as you’re racing through the woods, you’re sweating, you’re tired, meanwhile random strangers with foggy, dead zombie eyes  dressed in dirty, (fake) blood-soaked clothing are coming at you from all directions, you jump into the tunnel obstacle and as you’re crawling out through the tiny opening…BAM! – a creepy zombie jumps out at you! Daylight or no daylight…that’s scary!

The race works as follows: You pay $87 to join. That price includes a Warwear t-shirt, 1 free beer, a race medal, and access to the Apocalypse after-party. Before the race, you will be given a chip to time your race and a flag belt. The flags will represent your health, which the zombies will be chasing after you to take. You will be running through obstacle courses as well. If you make it through all obstacle courses to the Finish Line and the zombies haven’t taken all your health flags, you will be eligible for awards. Regardless of whether you finish “dead or alive,” you get to relax at the Apocalypse after-party with live bands, fun games, food and beverages.

So I know the question you’re all asking: “Well, are you running the race?” The answer…No. The reason: I get exhausted just jogging a couple blocks around the park, not to mention I’m the one closing my eyes and screaming while holding on to my friends for dear life throughout the entire haunted house, so running a 5K with zombies chasing me would probably end in severe injury or death.

That being said; if you think you can handle it, I highly encourage you to take the challenge. I believe registration is still open. Or you can show up as a spectator to watch the fun. Spectators pay $32 (by August 17) or $40 (race day) and have access to the “Safe Zone” and the Apocalypse after-party which will include 12 live bands, food, adult beverages, cool zombie gear for sale, games, and surprise celebrity guest appearances. You can also stay the night. Pay an additional $20, bring a tent and continue the apocalypse party into Sunday.

Good luck! Be careful! And most importantly, Get Messy!

And if you love it, then prepare for your next Zombie challenge…the Epic Mud Run, which combines mud, zombies and color powder bombs all into one race, taking place in Columbia, MO on September 2nd. More information to follow soon.


Brought to you by Mills Properties
Photo courtesy of Run For Your Lives’ Facebook Page


Doesn’t know how to cook and survives pretty much on macaroni and cheese and pizza, so naturally, loves to eat out at restaurants. However, one day when she is married and has a family to cook for, she would love to take cooking classes and learn awesome skills like the chefs on Iron Chef long as she doesn't have to clean the dishes afterwards.

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