My Adventure Book

4496 days ago.

Sure, I have dreams and aspirations to do big things in life but I assume that they change depending on age. After watching the movie “Up” I was inspired to create my own bucket list. So here are 20 items off of my bucket list in no specific order.

1. Sky dive-Someone may have to push me out!

2. Learn to play the guitar-I own a guitar, I just need to learn how to play it!

3. Live abroad-preferably by a beach. carl_and_ellie

4. Be in a movie-I’m waiting for my big break.

5. Own a business.

6. See the Aurora borealis.

7. Do humanitarian work in a 3rd world country.

8. Visit all the continents (except Antarctica).

9. See the ball drop in Times Square.

10. Experience a real African Safari.

11. Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef.

12. Run a full marathon-I should probably start with a 5K.

13. Experience Oktoberfest in Germany-this may involve drinking from das boot.

14. Go to the airport and board a plane with no plan ahead.

15. Adopt a child.

16. Learn another language.-I doubt pig latin counts.

17. Go to the Super Bowl-Let’s go Bears!

18. See Wicked on Broadway.

19. Help our soldiers.

20. Attend a ball/gala.

Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans. –John Lennon


Any suggestions as to what I should tackle first?


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