My favorite downtown St. Louis coffee – Park Avenue Coffee

Melissa Jensen
4525 days ago.

I love love coffee.  I’m not terribly adventurous when it comes to coffee when traveling.  I will take my Starbucks mocha latte anywhere because they are consistent and I don’t mess around with $5.00 cups of coffee.  Don’t want to spend the cash and get a cup of burnt and bitter crap.  I’m spoiled by my: had grinding Moka pot brewing coconut milk adding husband.  I love him more with each amazing cup.

There is another though, I must admit that I have fallen madly in love with a coffee place downtown.  Park Avenue Coffee. I’m salivating at the thought, this despite having a large cup of their brewed heaven right in front of me.  I feel no guilt about cheating on my husband’s coffee (plus he’s cool like that), it’s so good I get sad if distraction causes me to allow that last little bit at the bottom to get cold.  I love it so much I park 4 blocks from the bank and walk in 4 inch heals and a skirt in 30 degree weather just so that right before I put my freezing tush back in my car I can step inside their doors and order my turtle mocha with soy.  It’s not a fluke; no matter what friendly wonderful person is behind the counter it’s always amazing.  I’ve tried most of the coffee places downtown (I believe only with the exception one really new place) and this is so far above all the rest that it’s like a Greek god staring down from the heavens at the mortal below who came in 2nd place.  That’s right in my head a Greek god is a white paper cup, not a ripped man.

Try some today, or if you think there is a better place let me know, although, I’m not sure if I could handle the ecstasy of anything that could top this.

Oh yeah, and I haven’t tried it but I have been told by many a stranger who has seen me with my cup and just wanted to share that their gooey butter cake is simply amazing.  They have over 70 flavors and were featured on The Food Network for it.

Brought to you by: Mills Properties

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Melissa Jensen

Melissa is a native of the Greater St. Louis region. She is addicted to anything Google, and cannot understand why motion activated paper towel dispensers never see her hands.

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