Hello St. Louis and Beyond!

Mike Brewer
4903 days ago.

Hello St. Louis and Beyond!

We would like to welcome you to what is sure to become the most popular locally oriented destination on the web. As with any destination there should be a compelling reason to come back again and again. That’s were YOU, as our inspiration, come in. We are committed to delivering conversation that is relevant, robust, and ripe for response. All we desire is that you give us feedback – good, bad, and/or indifferent.  This space is for you and despite the fact that we are an apartment management company, we promise never to talk about apartments. It’s not our goal to sell you on anything but the overriding need to join the conversation and ignite some meaningful movements.

You will notice that we have divided the city up into eight regions, the hope being to keep it real for you as it relates to your area of town. However, feel free to explore. This is our chance, as a group of passionate people bound together by a common and open space, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Quixotic? Over the top? Wishful thinking? We wouldn’t have it any other way. Challenge us to challenge you and let’s ignite something special.

Your destination is our inspiration!

With Excitement,

Your Mills Conversation Starters

Fabulous Mills Bloggers!
Fabulous Mills Bloggers!

Mike Brewer

Out to put a dent in the Multifamily Universe

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