Who's dropped you on facebook and other cool tricks.

Melissa Jensen
4749 days ago.


Oh I’m so excited!!!  In a previous post I expressed my love for my Droid, shortly after it was dropped into a toilet and I was missing it until now, it’s finally back!!  I have to start all over getting this one to be all that the old one was but I’m sure I will discover some really cool apps to share along the way.  For today just one app and a cool Internet trick for those obsessed with facebook.

So, someone hands you a business card and you need to add this person to your contacts list in your phone.  There is a simple answer Google Googles.  All you have to do is snap a picture of the card in Google Goggles, after is scans it will give you the option to add the person as a contact or search the business.  I tried this will three very different business cards and had some great success.  They only thing it got wrong was my last name when I snapped my card.  Another great use for this app is the translator.  You can take a picture of a menu you can’t read and it will translate what it says.  I haven’t tried this out so let me know if it works.

Ever look over at your friends list on Facebook and think “hmm, I really thought I had more friends than that.”  (wow, that sounded really crazy!!)  There is an easy way to find out who is dropping you.  Follow this link and download it then install in your browser.  Wait until someone drops you like an old shoe and you will finally know who.  It won’t find people who have dropped you in the past but you will know from this point going forward.

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Melissa Jensen

Melissa is a native of the Greater St. Louis region. She is addicted to anything Google, and cannot understand why motion activated paper towel dispensers never see her hands.

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