No Instructions. No Experience. Just Me and the Lawn Mower

Wendy H
3129 days ago.

So, this might be shocking news, but I have NEVER cut grass in my life…until a few weeks ago.  I just relocated back to St. Louis from Dallas and I found a house to rent.  What comes with renting a house? Did I hear Yard Work?  Yes, that is exactly right!

A week after I moved, I realized my lawn looked like a jungle compared to my neighbors. As I don’t want to be “that neighbor,” I knew cutting the grass was a priority for the weekend.  Of course I don’t own a lawn mower, so I borrowed my mom’s. She was generous enough to drop off her lawn mower on Saturday morning. And when I say “drop off” that’s exactly what I mean. She dropped off the lawn mower and took off…Happy Mowing To Me!

No instructions, no experience, just me and the lawn mower. How hard could it be, right?  I started up the lawn mower and tried my best. I loved the accelerator; it made it so easy to go up and down my hill. I accelerated down the hill and whipped the mower around to go back up the hill and thought, man this is pretty easy!  The side of the house was trickier. Due to the small space, I got tangled in a rose bush and couldn’t maneuver the lawn mower around. I remember my mom saying “just don’t pull the lawn mower backwards and run over your feet.” Geez, that’s not a pretty picture. I basically had to pick up the mower and skip the grass under the bush.  Don’t judge me, it was only a little section!

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When I finally completed the mowing portion of the job, I had grass cuttings lingering on the driveway. Of course I don’t have a blower either, so I went to get my broom to sweep the remains.  I must have looked pitiful to my neighbor across the street, because he ended up yelling out his front door “Hey, you wanna borrow my blower?” That answer was obvious; “I absolutely do!” He brought over his blower and a couple extension cords and I was so grateful!

Obviously my neighbor had some entertainment that day (I’m not saying good entertainment), but he witnessed a first timer in action. This being my first interaction with my neighbor, I had to make a joke about it while we were talking on my driveway. He offered me a tip…don’t use the accelerator when going downhill. Haha…that was my favorite part!

My neighbor probably doesn’t know how appreciative I was of him that day. I’m sure you have all heard the phrase “it’s the small things that matter most.” Well, he stepped in at a perfect time and even though he was probably shaking his head the entire time I was outside, he offered help. Do you realize how much time the blower saved me versus sweeping my driveway?! I was amazed by his generosity and thankful for the help.

There’s a first for everything and it was an eventful…and tiring day. I looked back at the cut grass (even with the spots missed) and I was impressed! However, if you need your grass cut…please don’t call me!

Have a fun story from your first lawn mowing experience? How about tips for my future lawn mowing? I’d love to hear them!


Images courtesy of

Mills Properties

Wendy H

Wendy was born and raised in St. Louis, has ventured out and lived in the only two “T” States, Tennessee and Texas! She recently found her way back to the Lou! She has a bubbly personality and positive outlook on life. Crazy cat lady, loves to volunteer, and is obsessed with decorating her house (and others). She has recently converted her basement into a “CRAFT CAVE.” What will be her next project?

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