Mardi Gras anyone?

4803 days ago.

  mardi gras

As I’m sure we’re all well aware, especially those who live in Soulard, and have already been dealing with roads and parking being blocked off…it’s Mardi Gras weekend!! The weekend where Soulard will be bursting with people – from every balcony, bar, and porta-potty.  The weekend where food, hurricanes, and beads will be plentiful.

Say what? You  didn’t know it was Mardi Gras?? Have you been living in a cave? It’s only the most exciting event of the year between Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day!

I go almost every year and it’s a fantastic time! Obviously during the parade, the only place to be is on the streets hooting and hollering to get your free beads, but what else is there besides the parade? 

Food(the 2nd most important thing):

Breakfast – a Mardi Gras must!  Several places offer fabulous breakfast…Melissa’s favorite is at Nadines on 12th St. 

Lunch-check out the Soulard Gyro and Deli–amazing Doner Kebab (among other things)or Chavas for the fried tacos! 

And finally…the “after-party”

This year 105.7 The Point is having their Mardi Gras party at Bar 101. It’s $40 for the tickets and you get free drinks, free food, an indoor bathroom, and fun!

Another good place is the Bud Light Party Tent. You get free Cajun food, free open bar, private port-a-potties, live music, and shelter from the rain(which hopefully the weather man is wrong about).

Then of course there are the bars…sorry folks but I know nothing about them. Pretty much because they are always way too crowded and it’s cold enough out there when I’m dry. I don’t need to be walking around like an icicle with someone’s freshly spilled hurricane down my shirt.

Extra fun: 105.7 has a contest each year called Expose The Point. You simply wear something with 105.7 The Point’s logo, and if one of their spotters sees you, they give you $105. More drinking money…$$

Tips from the Wise Mardi Gras goers of the past and present:

1. If you know someone in Soulard, you are super lucky…make that your home base. 

2. If not, remember to bring extra toilet paper and hand sanitizer in your pockets – you will thank me later!   

3. Don’t ride the metro tipsy(or worse). It intensifies that nauseous feeling to unnecessary levels!

4. Drink Responsibly!

Photo courtesy of me

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Doesn’t know how to cook and survives pretty much on macaroni and cheese and pizza, so naturally, loves to eat out at restaurants. However, one day when she is married and has a family to cook for, she would love to take cooking classes and learn awesome skills like the chefs on Iron Chef long as she doesn't have to clean the dishes afterwards.

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