Everybody’s working for the weekend

4839 days ago.

Well, most people I know do.  What I should or shouldn’t do this weekend is the question?  Do I take a rainy, stormy 2 days off, sit on my covered porch and daze into the lake in numbing silence?  Or do I get off my duff and start my spring cleaning?  I think I’ll make it a point to do BOTH! Why not?  I deserve the best of both worlds before starting a new job on Monday, full of scary challenges and corporate expectations. 

I believe I’ll start by firing up the burn pit Friday night, have a nice cold beer, gaze at the lake and listen to the bull frogs.  Then I’ll get up late Saturday, start some laundry, clean the fridge and diddle-daddle in the yard.  Come evening, I’ll pop the top on a cold brew again, finish the laundry, romance my man and watch an action packed DVD.  I’ll sleep late again Sunday (a must for successful weekends), sit on the deck with my morning coffee, worship in humble silence, thanking God for all He’s given me.  Then its back into the house to vacumn, dust, re-arrange furniture and clean the bathrooms.  Ugh!  (I hate that part).  I think I’m okay with my schedule.  I’ll head back to Columbia late Sunday afternoon, blissfully fall into bed early and, hopefully, convince my husband that the icing on the cake for the weekend would be one of his amazing back and foot massages.  Now that’s A perfect ending!

Two days off will make me realize how blessed I am and re-energize me for the next work week.  As the 80’s group Loverboy sang, “Everybody”s working for the weekend, Everybody wants a little romance, Everybody’s goin’ off the deep end, Everybody needs a second chance…”. We all get that second chance 4 weekends a month.  2nd chance #3 here I come!

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