The Love of a Mother

Michelle Bullock
4095 days ago.

The Love of a Mother “I love all of my children the same, just in different ways.”  This is the answer mothers of two or more children have been giving to the question of who they love more, from the beginning of time.  But is it a true statement or just a Moms way of  being diplomatic? Ah, the Love of a Mother!

I have two beautiful children-one girl and one boy.  In my situation, I think that God has a sense of humor, blessing me with an “OMG” 15-almost 16-year-old daughter and a 5 year old-curtain climbing son.  You laugh, but he has gotten into trouble trying to climb our living room curtains.

Mothers I have spoken to throughout the years have said that girls are easy to raise when they are young and hard to raise when they are older.  Boys are mostly the opposite, with them being trouble when they are young and easy when they get older.  This theory is currently true for this Mom.

IMG_1064 Recently though, I was told that I tend to favor my son over my daughter.  It may be because when I come home from work my son greets me with a huge hug and tells me about how much he missed me! My daughter-when she appears from her lair grunts something at me, snarls and then rolls her eyes.  Maybe it’s because, my son thinks I am Bat Girl and my daughter has told me that whenever I sing a new “cool” song out loud in her presence, automatically makes that song so not cool! So I am banned from singing my FUN. songs or even tapping my feet to some Mumford and Sons!

IMG_1077 I think you tend to “favor” the child that thinks you’re not a total nerd.   My daughter is in the teenage, independent, on the edge of the nest-stage.  She is full of hormones and has tendencies to cry and laugh all in a span of 30 seconds. When trying to comfort her, she wants no part of it.  My son meanwhile, loves when I kiss his boo boos and make them better by cuddle and hugs.

In conclusion, my take on the whether I love my son more than my daughter?  Speaking honestly, at this current moment, my son is easy to love, with his hugs and kisses.  My daughter is harder to love, being like a porcupine when it comes to affection.  At the end of the day, after they both are asleep, they are the same, they are MINE. That’s what matters, they are both, in the grand scheme of things, great kids that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.  I admit, I may love one more at different times, with different situations.

I don’t have a crystal ball, but I can predict that at one point in my future, I will be having a great cup of coffee with my beautiful grown daughter, while complaining about her crazy teenage little brother that is causing MOM grief .  She will give me a hug and a kiss and at that moment, I will feel like Wonder Woman.

Are you a Mom that feels this way about your kids?  Are you a kid that is still mommy’s cuddle bear, or are you still the porcupine?   Either way, there are always some interesting stories when dealing with Moms and Kids.  I would love to hear your stories.


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Michelle Bullock

Michelle was born on "The Hill" in St. Louis and currently lives in O'Fallon, MO. She pretends she can cook fine cuisine, but can actually bake what her husband calls "Five Star Desserts". Her two greatest joys are her very cute but very evil children. She has made meeting Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam number one on her bucket list.

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