Holiday Office Party

Mike Brewer
4164 days ago.

It’s that time of the year again. Time to pull out the festive hats, ugly sweaters and general holiday cheer. ‘Tis the season for shopping, eating, drinking and being merry. And, it’s time for the annual holiday office party. Following are a few tips to remember.

Get the Right Date on Your Calendar

I recall a year where we decided to have our holiday party on a river boat. Every detail was planned right down to the center pieces on the tables. It was to be a day filled with stories of the year past and hopes for the year to come. A time to let loose and have some fun. The party doubled as an opportunity to hand out awards for top performers. All fine and good except the one team member that missed the boat (pun intended). The most prestigious award of the evening was to be given to him but he was not there to receive it. Punch line: He wrote the wrong date in his calendar.

holiday office party That Guy

We all know this guy/gal. The one that for all intense and purposes muddles through each week throughout the year with no incident. Produces everything you ask them to do with no complaints. Never goes against the grain. That is until they fill up on a little holiday toddy. Nobody wants to be ‘that guy’ more than this guy/gal once they have the power of Jack, Jim, Black, Blue or Red prompting them along. This always ends bad. But, it does provide good story telling material for the following year’s holiday party. He or she ranks up there with the office party Don Juan.

holiday office party

Mr. I am Right for Every Girl in the World

This is the guy who showers every girl who turns the corner with his overreaching affection. Dropping little hints of his manly man everywhere he can on the off-chance he gets a hit. This is the guy everyone remembers for the fact that he suddenly didn’t work for the company on the day after the holiday party.

Lord of the Dance

This is the guy who suddenly decides he is John Travolta or PSY right in the middle of a Taylor Swift song. Mr. all out no rhythm big moves lord of the dance rips onto the dance floor. He rocks the house in his own head only to fall flat faced on the floor in a pool of his own humility. He quickly becomes best friends with ‘that guy.’

When ‘that guy’ suddenly decides he’s lord of the dance

Didn’t Read the Email

And, rounding out the tips. Make sure you read the inner office email – in full. Don’t show up to the holiday themed black tie event in a full on naughty elf costume.

In all – have a blast. Let loose but not too loose. And remember, citizen journalism is everywhere all the time. Don’t get Facebook’d for the wrong reasons. Don’t be Instagram’d, twitter’d or foursquare’d in the wrong scenario. Live another year with the company you are with today.

Have a story of your own – drop it the comment section below. We would love to read it.


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Mike Brewer

Out to put a dent in the Multifamily Universe

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