One Direction or a Pile of Cash

Melissa DeCicco
4223 days ago.

If you said ‘pile of cash’, you are likely not a 13 year-old girl. In a very unofficial instagram poll, most teenage girls would choose One Direction or “1D” over a giant pile of cash. I am fighting flashbacks of New Kids on the Block from grade school! The similarities are actually a little uncanny…

One Direction

  1. Zayn, One Direction See photo above…enough said
  2. 5 adorable young heart-throbs
  3. Clean-cut trendy style (yes, NKOTB was stylish in the 80’s)
  4. Spokespeople for popular soda brands (1D – Pepsi, NKOTB – Coke)
  5. Each band has a day dedicated to them – 1D on Oct. 3 & NKOTB April 24
  6. Winning crazy amounts of awards
  7. Action/Fashion figures have been made of both bands (New Kids & One Direction)
  8. Love songs that steal the ladies hearts
  9. Uber popular with teenage girls
  10. They even have similar videos! (see below)

Remember all the New Kids on the Block gear – sleeping bags, covers, sheets, backpacks, posters, bracelets, folders, the list could go on forever!  The One Direction Loot is bordering on crazy too! The new album ‘Take Me Home’ from One Direction will be out on November 12th – so make sure to show them some love! Being a boy-band doesn’t last forever but since they are so much like NKOTB, get ready for a comeback tour 10 years later!

Obviously, there are several things that set these two groups apart as well, but I thought it a little crazy how similar they really are.  It’s like we are back in the 80’s!  Can you think of other similarities?
Brought to you by Mills Apartments
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Melissa DeCicco

Melissa is a wiz at crazy facial expressions, golfs at every chance possible, and loves super uncomfortable shoes. A dedicated Dolly Parton fan, she purchased Dollywood season passes several years in a row (it’s 500 miles away) and finally met her in 2004 – she ROCKS!

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