21 Days Of Meditation

4219 days ago.


Do you ever wake up in the morning to an alarm clock blaring in your ear? After you jump up out of the bed, a thousand things run through your mind such as the activities you have scheduled, meetings, and all your appointments. If that’s not enough …..the reports that need to be completed with deadlines that, if you are like me, are usually due that day! Now add children into the mix and all of their responsibilities that you must keep track of: homework, recitals, practices, clubs and parties. And last but not least, your wonderful spouse or significant other who believes you can do it all and adds their honey-do list to your day. Whew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it!

Well, I didn’t say it earlier, but this is a day in the life of many, including yours truly. Sometimes I would like to just take a moment to stop and collect my thoughts before jumping out of bed and hitting the floor; running around the house like a crazy woman trying to get the kids off to school and myself to work. And while all of this is going on, my mind keeps re-playing and reminding me of all the responsibilities listed above for the day. Even the most organized person can have a breakdown from information overload!

That is why I am so excited to take this 21 Day Meditation Challenge by Deepak Chopra, an award winning teacher, author, and motivational speaker who challenges you to connect with your inner being known as your spirit. Making this connection will ultimately assist you in living a happier, more fulfilled and purposeful life. I have never meditated before but I can’t wait to see if the art of meditation helps me to make this connection. I truly believe it will help me to be a happier mom, wife, friend and co-worker. The 21 day challenge begins on November 5th, 2012 and lasts for 3 weeks. You can sign up by clicking on the link above. You will get a daily email that will give you your meditation thought for the day. And best of all, it’s free to join! So join me in this journey to attract more goodness in your life in the form of comfort, peace, joy and love.

I am a meditation newbie so if anyone has helpful hints for meditation best practices, please let me know and I will update you on my journey.

Photos courtesy of  Oprah.com

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Stacey is the happily married mother of three lovely little ladies and a handsome son. I enjoy debating politics, I like a diverse range of music and love to sing (even though my family has asked me not to)!

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