Photo Booths at Weddings…A Must!

4205 days ago.

I recently attended a wedding reception with a photo booth and it was awesome!

Apparently photo booths at weddings are not a new thing so maybe I don’t attend enough of them, because this was the first time I’ve ever been to one with a photo booth and I think I’ve now become a wedding snob – as in I’m only RSVPing for weddings with photo booths from here on out. It was the highlight of the night…I mean…besides the couple getting married of course.

I was actually watching TLC recently. Is it sad when 95% of your stories start with that statement?

Oh well, anyway… I was watching a show called 4 Weddings and while it wasn’t on my list of Top 5 TLC Shows last month, it is now! I’m not planning a wedding and my biological clock isn’t ticking or anything, it’s just an interesting show and the winning couple wins an all expense paid honeymoon! It’s basically a show where 4 couples are planning a wedding and the brides all go to each other’s weddings and judge whose they thought was the best by ranking the dress, food, entertainment and decor. The one reception that caught my attention had a very unique photo booth where instead of just getting a Polaroid style photo, the guests got an animated flip book! If I had been on the show, that bride would have won hands down!

I don’t care if I don’t get married for 10 years and photo booths are a thing of the past, you can bet there will be an animated flip book photo booth at my wedding!

If you’re currently planning a wedding in the St. Louis area and you have yet to rent a photo booth, here are some places to call:

Zoellner Photography

Fun Photo Events, LLC

Celebrate Photo Booth

I wasn’t able to find any photo booth companies with the animated flip book in the St. Louis area. I think I may have just found myself a side job opportunity!

**Updated info! There is a company who provides photo booth flip books for the St. Louis area! KC Flipbooks provides a mobile flipbook studio with tons of props included!

Brought to you by Mills Properties


Doesn’t know how to cook and survives pretty much on macaroni and cheese and pizza, so naturally, loves to eat out at restaurants. However, one day when she is married and has a family to cook for, she would love to take cooking classes and learn awesome skills like the chefs on Iron Chef long as she doesn't have to clean the dishes afterwards.

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