80's Girl

4845 days ago.

that80s band So I have recently had a severe craving for 80s music. Of course, I am an 80s baby so it’s only natural that at some point I would have childhood nostalgia, but it came on so suddenly! And it’s all I’ve been listening to! Thanks to the help of a co-worker I was introduced to http://www.sky.fm/play/the80s. It’s much more diverse than Pandora and has far fewer commercials and song repeats than a normal radio station. It has definitely helped minimalize my craving, but I still want more.

So guess what I found out? There is a band that plays here in St. Louis called That 80s Band!’ If you’re an 80s child, then join with me in shouting YAY!!…Ok, so I haven’t seen them live yet, but I checked out their website and their list of songs(all of which I love) and checked out some videos. I did notice a slight lackluster performance on the videos, but I feel it’s worth a shot. Hey, maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised, I mean, they do wear some sweet 80s outfits. Anyway, they play at the Blueberry Hill Duck Room on the Delmar Loop on Friday (1/21). It’s only a $9 cover. And hopefully it will be just what I need to cure my 80s craving!

Oh, and if you know of any 80s bands that you’ve seen perform or have heard are awesome, let me know so I can check them out.

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Doesn’t know how to cook and survives pretty much on macaroni and cheese and pizza, so naturally, loves to eat out at restaurants. However, one day when she is married and has a family to cook for, she would love to take cooking classes and learn awesome skills like the chefs on Iron Chef America...as long as she doesn't have to clean the dishes afterwards.

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