Wave Taco

4666 days ago.


I hope for those of you who haven’t heard of this place, the name alone just gave you the urge to go there, as it did me the first time I heard it. My friends didn’t even have to continue telling me about the awesomeness of outdoor sand volleyball, cheap beer, and delicious tacos from El Borracho to get me on board, I was going just so I could say; “I’m at Wave Taco!”

Well guess what? Saturday Sand Volleyball Beer Bash has begun at Wave Taco, so if you love sand volleyball, it may not be too late to sign up a team, and if it is too late, just come to watch and have a good time.

They provide chairs and picnic tables, a covered bar, and the food, fun, and beverages. You just show up ready to have a good time!

When: Saturday, July 9th

More Dates to Follow: Saturday, August 6th and August 19th

Where: 1335 Convention Plaza (a couple blocks down from the City Museum off Delmar).

Time: Games begin at 11am

Get your volleyball on!

Photo courtesy of Wave Taco
Brought to you by Mills Properties


Doesn’t know how to cook and survives pretty much on macaroni and cheese and pizza, so naturally, loves to eat out at restaurants. However, one day when she is married and has a family to cook for, she would love to take cooking classes and learn awesome skills like the chefs on Iron Chef America...as long as she doesn't have to clean the dishes afterwards.

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